Wednesday, February 24, 2021


A few years ago, I received a gift that is technically not “religious” but is one of my favorite spiritual books in my collection.  Funny how that happens.  It is a story about a lonely boy, a hungry mole, a horse and a fox who venture into the wild.  It is called The Boy, the mole, the fox and the Horse by Charlie Mackesy.

Some of the wisdom within these pages is beautiful:

 “Sometimes I feel lost,” said the boy.  “Me too,” said the mole, “but we love you, and               love brings you home.  I think everyone is just trying to get home,” said the mole.

“What is the bravest thing you’ve ever said?” asked the boy.  “Help,” said the horse.

“One of the greatest freedoms is how we react to things”

“Often the hardest person to forgive is yourself”

“Life is difficult ~ but you are love.”

“Sometimes all you hear about is hate but there is more love in this world than you could possibly imagine.”

 I appreciate that God takes what is generally considered outside the sphere of religion to bring us unexpectedly to a place of worship.  That is what happened for me in this book.  It’s a story of a boy who has so many questions.  I can sure relate to him!  A mole shows up with wisdom that brings clarity and peace.  Haven’t we had conversations that have done that?  However, the boy continues to have doubts of his belonging in the world. The horse and fox, with their loving friendship and enduring presence, speak directly to the boy’s heart.  In the end, what sacred gifts they all offer! 

The truth this book reminds us of is that our simple gifts of presence, friendship, listening, and encouragement are holy.  I invite us to allow that to sink in.  When we are present to one another, we are partnering with God. 

What way this week might God be asking each of us to LEAN IN to part of this story?

THE BOY:  Vulnerably asking deep questions of life or of God or perhaps of someone in our life?

THE MOLE:  Deeply listening to another or God and then responding wholeheartedly?

THE FOX:  Although hurt by life, courageously showing up none the less?

THE HORSE:  Being present with gentleness and love?

THE WILD: (representing life) Although it is beautiful, it can be frightening.  Saying yes to going into the wild with our heads, hearts and actions?

May we all have the courage to LEAN IN, if only with one of the above, because, as the horse says, “the truth is everyone is winging it.”

Thanks for reading.

 # charliemachesy  #sacredliving  #bookworm  #carmodystateofmind

Sunday, February 21, 2021


Do you want to fast this Lent?

·       Fast from hurting words and say kind words

·       Fast from sadness and be filled with gratitude

·       Fast from anger and be filled with patience

·       Fast from pessimism and be filled with hope

·       Fast from worries and trust in God

·       Fast from complaints and contemplate simplicity

·       Fast from pressures and be prayerful

·       Fast from bitterness and fill your heart with joy

·       Fast from selfishness and be compassionate

·       Fast from grudges and be reconciled

·       Fast from words and be silent so you can listen

~  Pope Francis


What if?  What if, in this time of division in our country, each one of us chose kindness, gratitude, patience and hope to begin bringing reconciliation to the communities we live in?

What if we chose simplicity, prayerfulness, joy, and holy listening to our families, our neighbors, and our God/Higher Power to be able to offer a more compassionate response as we interact with them in our day-to-day life? 

Recently a young girl, whose job it is to restock and clean the bathrooms at the grocery store where I shop, spoke kindly to me.  I think of Makayla as I write today.

I doesn’t matter where we are or how our day happens to be going.  If we choose to walk in the footsteps of the One who went before us, striving to imitate Christ in how we treat others, we will be in step with the awareness that we do not walk alone.  We, like Makayla, will sense that our God is very much alive and within us asking that we be his presence in the world.

Both Pope Francis and Isaiah 58: 9b-14 gives us important stepping stones for our Lenten fast. 

God bless you, Makayla.

The journey continues.   

Thanks for reading.

#popefrancisfasting  #isaiahfasting #lent2021w #Whatif  #carmodystateofmind

Friday, February 19, 2021


 It has been almost two years since I have regularly blogged.  After the challenges I faced in 2018 with my eyes and then in 2019 with my snowmobile accident, it took a long time for me recoup and to appreciate, in the depth of my being, the tender care God had granted me. 

    ~  When I was at the end of my abilities and needed to depend on others occasionally for sight, shopping or even at times for putting on my socks, God was showing me that He was near with a fierce love. 

    ~ When I was frustrated at myself and/or my condition, God brought compassionate visitors who shared with me insight into how to ask for what I needed, to better give up control of what I had no control over, to add the word "yet" to the end of my sentence when I would say, "I can't do this", and to remind me that vulnerability is courageous.

~  When I could not attend church services, I did less and God spoke more. 

For most of the two years of recuperation, I sat in a comfy chair and visited with friends and family when they stopped by.  During those visits, two symbols that were on the shelf opposite my chair, spoke to me ~ a small pot of yellow flowers that brought me such joy and a prayer card that centered me on God's mercy.   Although I wasn't able to give much joy nor mercy to my visitors, they showered me with both!  Not only that, our "Father who sees in secret" knows our hearts ~ yours and mine.  He knew that I yearned not only to be whole but to be His servant of mercy and joy to those around me.  He held me close to His grace for over two years until I could once again sense His loving embrace. 

Your 2020 may have challenged you in ways beyond what you thought you could endure.  Quite possibly your trials may still continue today.    

In the midst of mine, had I been asked if I could imagine a time when I would be able to look back at those years with gratitude, I would have said that would be impossible.   

But here’s the thing.  Now, in the rearview mirror, I have the ability to see that God's grace  surrounded me when I was at my lowest.  Back then I didn't know how things would turn out but God knew the whole story.  He could see far enough around the bend to know that hope, healing, strength, endurance and health were up ahead for me. 

I certainly can't say everything in your life or in mine will turn out as this did for me.  What I say wholeheartedly is that I have come out of a storm and I feel grateful for the One who knew the whole story and stood with me until I was able to see His grace through it all.  I even can say I am grateful it happened because God broke down my walls and softened by heart.  He has shown me His mercy though so many people.  My life will forever be changed.  The yellow flowers that brought me joy and the prayer card that reminded me to trust Jesus because He will be merciful were not only symbols of a trying time back then; they are gifts for today.   

I trust with a hopeful heart that you will experience the same as you look at 2020 in your rearview mirror.  

Thanks for reading. 

#RearviewMirrorPointOfView #Gratitude #HisGrace #2020Pondering #CarmodyStateOfMind