Tuesday, March 13, 2018


By Lori Carmody

Sometimes I mess up.

Sometimes others do.

Sometimes life gets messy and it is far from what we want it to be.

On those days/weeks/months we have options.  We don’t have to stay stuck.  Acceptance is one option that I find so very helpful.


Not that my accepting what is happening at any given time in my life will change everything in an instant.  Far from it.  Often it takes soul searching, active listening, conversations with the aim to understand rather than to convince, prayer, and working through emotions such as anger and sadness. 

However, if my target stays on ACCEPTING myself, others and the particular situation we are in just as it is for that present moment, miracles can and do occur. 

And guess what?  I have learned that once I get to acceptance ~ true ACCEPTANCE that even though things are messy I accept them EXACTLY as they are for today ~ I know GRATITUDE isn’t far behind.  Who knew?!!

Eckhart Telle puts it this way, “Accept – then act.  Whatever the present moment contains, accept it as if you had chosen it.  Always work with it, not against it…This will miraculously transform your whole life.”

Acceptance of the present moment is the rich soil that prepares us for what lies ahead.  As I find my solid footing in acceptance and gratitude, I then am better able to see the possibilities of where my best self can grow.  Although the path to acceptance may be arduous, getting there is well worth every ounce of energy it takes.   

Thanks for reading.

Prayer:  God grant me the serenity to ACCEPT the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference. 

Action:  What don’t you like about your life?  Every time you are tempted to complain, instead practice accepting it.  If you are brave, be grateful for it and see what happens!  

#Acceptance  #Permission  #Gratitude  #SerenityPrayer  #MyLife  #Day22

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