Saturday, March 10, 2018


By Lori Carmody

I attended two funerals in the past week.  Both men were wonderful, beloved, giants of men in our community.  

Those lucky enough to know Joe (age 31) and Jim (age 83) knew that they stood by their families and friends with the intention that no one in their circle would ever doubt that they were loved.  They both also reached beyond their close relationships to the bigger world and with their smiles, willingness to help others and joyful spirits made the world a better place for all of us.

Once in a while a song or slogan will capture for us the essence of what our hearts find difficult to put into words.  A commercial did that for me this week.

Although I don’t have a clue about Mass Mutual Insurance, and am not endorsing them here, I do believe that they have captured not only the gusto of how Joe and Jim lived their lives but also the call of how we are invited to make the world better by how we stand by one another.  

With life being so precious, can we do anything less?

Thanks for reading.

Prayer:  God of our births and deaths, we thank you for blessing our lives with Joe, Jim and all our family and friends who have gone before us.      

Action:  Look around!  Look again.  Who can you stand by, even in a small way today? 

#I’llStandByYou  #Friends  #Day21  

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